Thursday, December 3, 2015


Hello friends!!

I feel like lately life has gotten away from us. We have been so busy! Every weekend and week day night have been jam packed since Hannah started back at school. Now that the holidays are upon us it seems to be even busier! For the first time in a long time I am actually looking forward to the boring cold days of winter so we can catch our breath. Don't get me wrong, I love being with friends and family and doing all these activities but it's feeling a little jam packed like my schedule may burst at the seams.

Anyways, I would like to just throw up a little update for you guys. We paid off our van!! That frees up 250 dollars extra a month for our snowball and we are beyond excited!! We really feel like we can make it though this journey .While we can't quite see this finish line yet, we know it's there. We received our letter today saying the loan was paid and out title. It is such a good feeling to know WE own that van now and not the bank.

As far as my job, for now, no news is good news. It is still in limbo so we are working like crazy to get enough debt paid off so if I do lose it, it won't be a huge blow to us.

Other than that, our tree is up and we have plenty of holiday festivities planned .Of course, we will try to share as much of them as we can with you.

Happy Holidays friends! We hope you are all blessed with a fantastic holiday season.

Talk to you soon!