Monday, February 24, 2014

The Beginning

Hey there interwebs!

I had a great coupon-a-venture at Walmart on Friday. Price matching is SO so great! If you hate Walmart, this is not the blog for you. I kinda love Walmart.
I got A LOT of stuff I spent 94.00 which for me is a lot, considering my weekly food budget is 50.00. That means no matter HOW good the deals are I have to skip out all but 6.00 this week. :C <--- that is my epic sad face. I'm a dealaholic....for reals.
Soooo I did a lot of price matching and couponing and got some good deals. One of which is Pillsbury crescent rolls and biscuits in the oh so scary popping can. I got them for an average of .20 a piece using a price match from pick n save along with a competitor printable target coupon AND manufacturer coupon. Yes, my Walmart lets me do this, which rules. So now I have quite a few cans and am looking for things to do with these, so you will see quite a few posts about these. Rest assured it's not all we eat and it's always paired with a couple servings of veggies and fruits. This is by no means a health blog though, this is just a blog about savin money and making the most of what we have.

OK so these are some of deals I got and upcoming recipes or links to them:
(I am not listing everything I bought just the good deals I got)

Pillsbury Crescent Rolls .20 Ea (Price Match 1.00 Ea  Pick n Save, Competitor Coupon Target 2.00 of 3, Manufactures Coupon .40 off)
Pillsbury Grands Biscuits .20 Ea   (Price Match 1.00 Ea  Pick n Save, Competitor Coupon Target 2.00 of 3, Manufactures Coupon .40 off 2.)
Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls .50 ea  (Price Match Pick n Save 1.00, Printable Manufacturer Coupon 1.00 off 2)
French Bread .88 (Price Match Piggly Wiggly)
Gorton's Fish Fillets 3.50 (Reg Walmart Price but there was a deal with a peelie)
Birds Eye Frozen Green Beans (Free with purchase of Gorton's Fish!)
Tyson Frozen Breaded Chicken Breast Tenders 3.25 (4.00 Reg Price .75 off 1 Coupon from Newspaper Insert)
Ortega Taco Seasoning Packet .18 Ea (1.00 off 2 Ortega Manufacturers Coupon)
Del Monte Canned Tomatoes .63 Ea ( .50 off 2  Manufacturers Coupon)
Kale 1.18 (Reg. Price and a very good price!)
Celery .98 (Rollback Price)
Broccoli Crowns .98 a lb (Reg Walmart Price! I was going to Price Match for .99 a lb)
Green Leaf Lettuce 1.38 Ea (Reg Price and a very good price!)
Cilantro .74 Ea (Reg. Price and a very good price!)
Asparagus 1.98 a lb (Rollback Price)
Roma Tomates .79 a lb (Price Match Aldi's)
Zucchini .79a lb (Price Match Aldi's)
3 lbs Yellow Onion Bag .79 (Price match Aldi's)
8 oz Mushroom Box .69 ea (Price match Aldi's)
Limes .25 ea (Rollback price)
Jenni-O Lean ground Turkey 2.28 a lb (Printable 1.00 off 2 on
Johnsonville Smoked Chicken Sausage Links 2.00 Ea (Price Match Pick n Save2.50 and printable Manufacturers 1.00 off 2 coupon from
Johnsonville Ground Italian Sausage 2.48 a lb (Price Match pick n save 2.98 and 1.00 off 2 printable Manufacturers coupon from
Barilla Whole Grain Pasta .66 (Price Match Pick n Save 1.00 Manufacturers Coupon 1.00 off 3 from newspaper insert)
Chocolate Toast Crunch .50 ea (Price Match Pick n Save 1.50 and Printable 1.00 off 1 coupon from general mills website)

Pretty good deals make things!!

Bacon Egg and Cheese Rolls

My first creation was Bacon Egg and Cheese crescent roll ups because we needed something really quick to make and take to eat before my DD volleyball game.

This is so easy, it's not even a recipe. But they were SO yummy. Sorry I have no picture we were in a a big hurry.

You will need:

3 eggs
6 slices cooked bacon halved (we used Turkey bacon from Walgreens a couple weeks back it was .99 and we used a .55 off coupon!! .45 turkey bacon!!)
4 Slices of cheese cut in half (any kind you like make sure it's not cut to think)
1 can crescent rolls (.20!! from walmart)

1. Preheat oven to 375
2. Cook your bacon however you like, pan, microwave, oven. Drain and set aside
3.Scramble eggs but try to make them sort of in a sheet try not to make them into little pieces or you will have a hard time rolling them.
4. Open  Crescent rolls and unroll dough.
5. Take one triangle and add a small portion of egg, just enough to cover the big part of the triangle.
6. Put bacon and cheese on top of egg
7. Roll up and place on a baking sheet
8. Bake 10-12 minutes

I didn't calculate the price of this let's just say it was cheap, stupid cheap.

I also made these Pepperoni Rolls using the same technique they went over well with everyone, how could it not?
Side note the Dollar Tree takes coupons! There is a dollar off 2 Hormel Pepperoni printable at right now and dollar tree sells Hormel Pepperoni so go get your .50 pepperoni!

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