Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why are you so cheap?

So I realized we have never been formally introduced. How rude! Hi, I'm Courtny I have a wonderful husband, an amazing teenage daughter and a bouncing 9 month old baby boy and we are on a tight budget.

It all started a while ago. I  realized a while ago that a lot of our bills were out of our control. You can turn off the lights and hang your laundry you can turn down that thermostat but if the energy prices rise like crazy you can't control that. You have no say. So I started cutting in areas I could. We said goodbye to cable, expensive cell phone plans and regular home phones. We switched to netflix, magic jack and tracfone (just for emergencies on the road). It was still not enough.

Then a light bulb went off. We were spending a TON on food. For a family of 3 and a half we were spending close to 800 a month. That is crazy high! How did we even have that much money? We didn't. That's when glorious coupons entered my life and saved it. OK maybe that's dramatic but it felt that way. We started saving 600 dollars a month and it didn't even change the way we ate!

Now we are trying to build up or emergency fund so things have gotten even tighter. I am no longer afraid of that, I welcome the challenge. Join us on our adventure to save money and have fun doing it.

Alright love you, bye!

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